Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fun with MSW LOGO

Hey people!!! Want to learn something fun with MSW LOGO programme??? This software might strike as a complicated one for some students. Thus, it would be a good idea for you introduce this software by teaching these fun activities. They still involve geometry. Therefore, when the form is complete, you can actually discuus with your students about the geometrical shapes that are found in it. All you have to do is to just copy the following commands and paste them in your MSW LOGO and click execute.

1. repeat 100 [fd 78 lt 56 bk 67 circle 34 bk 12]
2. repeat 103 [fd 20 bk 30 rt 57 lt 50 circle 200 lt 45 fd 80]
3. repeat 103 [fd 20 bk 30 rt 57 lt 50 circle 200]
4. repeat 13 [circle 100 lt 30 fd 100]
5. repeat 50 [fd 60 rt 70 fd 23 rt 25 bk 10 lt 20 circle 20]
6. repeat 2000 [fd 90 lt 89 fd 80 rt 89]

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