Monday, August 25, 2008

Gaming with numerals

Pupils tend to come to school with pre-set mind that mathematics is difficult. Thus, in the long run, they grow to hate it. This results in their lack of practice in mathematics and their competence in this subject does not advance. This may not necessarily be the truth for all pupls in a class, but most do fall into this category allright. So, as teachers, we must take up the responsibity of nurturing a love of numbers in the young hearts and minds of our pupils or future-pupils. This is definitely not an easy task as it demands a lot of creativity, experience and understandings in the fields related. Games is the easiest way to do this, say many. Yes, indeed, as children naturally enjoy games. They lihgten up at every opportunity they get to play something. So, what we would like recomend to you is, try this site out!!!
This link is full of various games of mathematics. This site offers a chance to the pupils to see that numerals can be fun. As teachers, we should make use of the various games in this site to promote learning mathematics. Our personal favourite game in this site is Puzzle Sudoku. (I actually bumped into this site while surfing for online Sudoku games as I'm a Sudoku fan). This is a slightly altered version of Sudoku that can give a change for those bright kids who are tired of messing with the same traditional type of Sudoku.
So, happy gaming we'd like to wish you and adios for now.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Some useful items!

We found a website at
It has actually explored more on the primary maths topics.
Interesting activities and power point presentations with colorful pictures and flash cards which will be useful for us as maths teachers. So check out people!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Homework Well Done.

I should say this week's presentation by Fifi and the group was indeed exciting. It was short, simple yet very attention-grabing and entirely interactive presentation. I for one was totally engaged in the activity even though my mind was entirely elsewhere thinking of the assignment to be handed in the next day. I am sure we all agree about the activity's effectiveness in getting all to take part and follow what they presented even though it was a pretty simple thing. Their justificaition of why the Geomater's Sketchpad is useful in teaching various topics in Mathematics was indeed superb. Clearly they have done some real good homework.

The polygon Song.

Polygons are part of geometry and since we are discussing geometry lately my group thinks it would be appropriate to be posted here. I mean what good it could possibly be for the children to use Geometer's Sketchpad if they cannt even remember the polygons. so this one is a simple way to teach them polygons.