Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Constructivism vs Constructionism

Constructionism evolved from constructivism. This is as Papert was a Piagetian and his theories had a foundation of Piagetian theories. Yet, what he proposed through contructionism differes slightly from constructivism propsed by Piaget.
Constructivism suggests that knowledge is not simply transmitted from teacher to student, but actively constructed in the mind of the learner.Constructionism the other hand states that constructionism suggests that new ideas are most likely to be created ideas when learners are actively engaged in building some type of external artifact that they can reflect upon and share with others.
Constructivism supports the constructivist viewpoint.However, it emphasizes the particular constructions of external artifacts shared by learners. Although learners can construct and present knowledge or meanings without producing external products, the processes of construction are more evident when learners produce through social interaction with others and share representations of their understanding and thoughts.
Contructivism is promotes science-centered and logic-oriented learning. Constructivism, too, does the same, but, to a lesser degree.
To make a long story short, both are intended for the same goal, yet through different means.

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